The 8th Annual Prescot Festival of Music & the Arts ran from Friday 15 to Sunday 24 June 2012.
From the archives:
Friday 15 to Sunday 24 June, 2012
Full Programme
Friday 15 June: Opening Night: Brass & BBQ
Saturday 16 June: Liverpool Mozart Orchestra
Sunday 17 June: Organ Recital: Richard Lea
Monday 18 June: Schools’ Verse Speaking Festival
Tuesday 19 June: Film: The Queen
Wednesday 20 June: Young Instrumentalist of Prescot
Acoustic Evening with Rachael Dunn & Friends
Thursday 21 June: Bentley Operatic Society: Songs from the Shows
Friday 22 June: Barn Dance & Hot Pot Supper
Saturday 23 June: Prescot: A Royal History
Make a Joyful Noise! with Tyndale Thomas, Liverpool Harmonic Gospel Choir & Prescot Festival Chorus
Sunday 24 June: Choral Evensong
Diamond Jubilee Festival Finale with Aughton Male Voice Choir
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