Prescot Festival Come & Sing 2015

come_and_sing_prescot_festival_chorusSopranos, altos, tenors and basses from across the region are invited to ‘come and sing’ Karl Jenkins’s The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace at the 11th Annual Prescot Festival of Music & the Arts.

Prescot Festival Chorus attracts around 100 singers every year, and there’s always room for a few more. Previous successes include Fauré’s Requiem, Haydn’s The Creation and excerpts from Handel’s Messiah.

You will attend a rehearsal at 7pm on Wednesday 17 June, then 3pm on Saturday 20 June, and finally perform as part of a ‘Choral Spectacular’ at 7pm that evening.

The venue is the magnificent Jacobean Prescot Parish Church of St Mary’s, the borough of Knowsley’s only Grade I listed building.

James Luxton of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral conducts, and Peter Kwater of St Bartholomew’s Church Choir, Rainhill, is on the organ.

Each participant pays £5, which includes score hire. Please return the entry form, along with your payment, by email or post (all details on forms).

Image: Philip Arkwright conducts Prescot
Festival Chorus in 2013 (James Woodruff)

5 Comment(s)
  • Betty Wood Posted 14 May, 2015 9:15 am

    I am interested in joining your Armed Man “come- and -sing” but would not be able to attend the rehearsal on the preceding Wednesday.
    I do have my own copy and sing Alto.

    • admin Posted 14 May, 2015 9:19 am

      That’s fine, Betty – we’d be pleased to have you come along, even if you can’t make both rehearsals. The Saturday rehearsal is the crucial one! 🙂

  • Betty Wood Posted 14 May, 2015 9:21 am


  • Catherine Henthorn Posted 13 June, 2015 6:52 am

    I’d like to ‘Come and Sing’ alto in the Armed Man: shall I just bring my registration forms and payment to the rehearsal this Wednesday?

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