It is Day 9 of the Prescot Festival, and we are delighted to share with you a spiritual resource created by the Reverend Kim Mannings earlier in 2021 for Prescot Parish Church, as part of Thy Kingdom Come, an 11-day international prayer initiative.
You can download and print the materials yourself (PDF) or simply follow the instructions below.
Before that, please enjoy this short video, also created for Thy Kingdom Come in Prescot. It features quotes from Prescot people, with music by our artistic director, Robert A Howard. The cathedral-based Liverpool 64 choir sings his anthem Alleluia, under the direction of Stephen Mannings.
Prescot Prayer Journey
From prescotparish.org.uk:
Below you will find a prayer journey: A simple, interactive way of praying for this wonderful town of Prescot and its people.
- This journey is suitable for all ages and stages
- You can pray aloud or in quiet
- You can travel in a group or on your own
There is no right or wrong way to pray – all that matters is that we do so: that we speak to God and listen to His voice in our hearts.
In order to stay safe, do make sure that you:
- Tell somebody where you are going
- Journey in the daylight
- Wear sensible shoes
- Speak to your parents/guardians if you are under 18
How to use this guide
Below you will find a map containing different locations around Prescot, along with some prayer suggestions. Feel free to use these, if they help, or to add your own route/your own prayers to these. NB Most of the locations in this booklet are representative of a number of other groups/businesses/locations.

A = Prescot Parish Church
B = Shakespeare North Playhouse
C = Eccleston Street
D = John Joseph Powell
E = Debbie Bennett Funeral Directors
F = Prescot Cables
G = Prescot Town Council
H = Salvation Army (& FoodBank)
I = Whiston Hospital
J = St Paul’s Church
K = St Mary & St Paul’s School
L = Public Transport
M = Fire & Police Station
N = Brown’s Field
O = Cemetery & Churchyard
The journey

We begin the journey at Prescot Parish Church (A).
Dear God, we pray for our beautiful church and for all who are part of this family. We pray that more people will come here and find you. Help us to always be a place of welcome and to show our faith in you by how we live our lives. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Cross over to the Shakespeare North Playhouse (B).
Dear God, we give you thanks for the building of this theatre. May it be a positive, transforming influence on every corner of this town. We pray for all builders, artists, and managers, and ask that we, as a church, may develop strong relationships with this place. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Turn right and cross over the road, onto Eccleston Street (C).
Dear God, we pray for all businesses across this town; especially for sole traders who live with the uncertainty of what the future might hold. We pray for your protection upon each one of them. May all who work here know the love you have for each one of them. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Turn left up (tiny) Stone Street and then cross over the road to John Joseph Powell Nursing Home (D).
Dear God, we pray for all nursing and care homes. We pray for staff who feel exhausted, for residents who feel weary or unwell, and for families who are missing their loved ones. We thank you for the incredible care that is given. Give rest and strength to staff, courage to residents, and patience to families. May they know your presence with them. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Carry on, right, along the High Street until you reach Debbie Bennett Funeral Directors (E).
Dear God, we pray for all of the wonderful funeral directors in this town. Thank you for their compassion, gentleness, and love. We pray for all whose hearts have ached over this past year and whose souls are weary. We ask that you draw close to all who work in this industry, and to all who have, and will, come through their doors. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Turn left down Hope Street until you reach Prescot Cables (F) at the bottom.
Dear God, thank you for the gifts of sport and exercise. Be with all athletes and spectators. May we never fail to wonder at the gift of our human bodies, which You have given to us: precious and unique in Your sight. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Walk back up Hope Street, turning left at the top. Follow the road along, crossing over at the traffic lights, and continuing along Warrington Road, until you reach the Town Hall (G).
Dear God, we give you thanks for all who work in politics, for the common good. We pray for political parties currently serving across this town; thanking you for their commitment to your people. May all who serve this town be forever filled with integrity. Give them the eyes to see the forgotten corners and the forgotten people. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Continue along Warrington Road. When you reach the roundabout, take the second exit. Continue along Warrington Road until you reach the Salvation Army Church (H), on the right-hand side of the road. Look out for its cross.
Dear God, we give you thanks for our ecumenical brothers and sisters across this town: for Our Lady Immaculate and St Joseph, St Luke’s, Prescot Methodist Church, the Salvation Army, and Prescot Community Church. Continue to unite us in our love of you, as together we share the Good News of Jesus with this town. May many, many people come to know you through the work and proclamation of your servants.
Thank you, too, for the Foodbank, based here at this church, and for its dedicated volunteers. May all who come to this place for food also receive the gifts of dignity and love. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Continue along this side of Warrington Road until you reach Whiston Hospital (I).
Dear God, we pray for all who we know who are sick or suffering in mind, body, or spirit. We say their names either aloud or in the silence of our hearts…. We pray for our NHS, for all who work in our hospitals, clinics, surgeries, pharmacies, chaplaincies, and across this community. We pray for rest for all who are tired, and for all patients and their families. Draw close to those who are afraid and wrap your arms of love around them. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Facing away from the hospital, cross back over the road, turning left down Dragon Lane then taking the first right onto Shaw Lane. Continue along Shaw Lane, following the road to the left. Turn left when you reach Saunders Avenue, right onto Molyneux Drive, and right again onto Bryer Road and St Paul’s Church (J).
Dear God, thank you for St Paul’s and for all who worship here. We pray for all who are missing being able to come to church. May this church always be a place of mission and a centre for hope in this community, where people come to know you. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Cross over the road to St Mary and St Paul’s CE Primary School (K), which sits diagonally opposite the church.
Dear God, we pray for all of the schools across this town: for St Mary and St Paul’s, Evelyn Avenue, Prescot Community Primary, St Luke’s, Our Lady’s, and Prescot Secondary School. We pray for all staff and students as they adjust, once again, to this new way of being. Cultivate in each of us the gift of learning. We pray for our church school, St Mary and St Paul’s, and give thanks for the way in which it exudes the light and love of Christ. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Facing the school, turn right along Bryer Road and then left up the hill, along Shaw Lane, turning right at the traffic lights onto Hall Lane. Pause on the bridge. From here you can see the train tracks (L).
Dear God, thank you for all who work for our public transport system; for often forgotten people who have risked their lives in order to allow daily life to continue. We pray for all who travel today, that you keep them safe. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Continue along Hall lane then turn left onto Manchester Road. At the roundabout take the first exit, by the Fire & Police Station (M).
Dear God, we pray for our emergency services and for the way in which they have gone above and beyond in service to their fellow human beings during this pandemic. Keep them safe, we ask, and thank you for the way in which they help us when we are in need. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Continue along Cables Way, crossing over the first roundabout and taking the second exit at the second roundabout. Turn right into Brown’s Field (N) as soon as you reach it.
Dear God, we thank you for the beautiful green spaces across our town and for the wildlife that inhabit them. Make us good stewards of this planet which you have entrusted to us. Forgive us for the damage which human beings have so often done to your earth, Lord. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.

Follow the footpath which leads back up to Manchester Road (veering to the right). Cross over the road and enter Prescot Cemetery, leading onto Prescot Parish Churchyard (O).
Dear God, thank you for this peaceful cemetery and church yard. Thank you for the council and for the Friends of Prescot Cemetery and Church Yard who keep this place clean, tidy, and loved. We pray for all who are buried here and for all who mourn them. We lift to you all who we have known and loved who have been promoted to glory. We say their names either aloud or in the silence of our hearts…. Give to each of us a glimpse of your heavenly kingdom. Amen.
We offer our own prayers to God.
Continue up through the churchyard until you reach the Parish Church once more, at the top.
Thank you for completing this journey of prayer.
Photo (top): Steve Samosa Photography
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